
Newsletter archive
To review our archive, click on a newsletter or mass announcement below. Chants are found in the Community Sharing Mass listings. (For an even older archive, click here.)

Subscribe to our newsletter
Holy Wisdom publishes a monthly newsletter, and also sends out weekly reminders about masses and occasional links to readings and other material. In a busy month, this will involve five or six emails. It’s a great way to stay in touch with the community, whether you’re in Olympia, Washington or Olympia, Greece, and you can unsubscribe easily anytime. Click here to subscribe.

Having trouble receiving the newsletter? 
If you’ve subscribed (or are a long-time HW member), you should already be on the list, but sometimes email programs send the newsletter to a hard-to-find place. Here’s one video about how to find those messages in your Gmail spam filter, and here’s another about how to transfer them from other email “tabs” within Gmail. If you still can’t get it to work, you can always contact us.