Holy Wisdom cooks and serves dinner on the first Monday of every month at The Community Kitchen in Olympia. We prepare a home-cooked meal from scratch — meatloaf made from locally raised beef and mostly organic vegetables from local organic farms and from our members’ home gardens. Our meal is affectionately called, “Meatloaf Monday.” At this time we have three groups that keep this ministry going. The first group is the choppers. These dedicated people chop all the produce that we need in their homes and deliver it to the kitchen. The second group are our faithful cooks. They arrive at the kitchen at 1:30 to cook the entire meal. Our third group is the serving crew, which passes the food out, beginning at 5:00 p.m. To get involved, please fill out our contact form.
You can donate to the Community Kitchen through Holy Wisdom by using our Donate Page. To donate with PayPal, use the drop down menu to select “Specific Expense” and then write Community Kitchen in the Message Box. To donate by check, put Community Kitchen in the memo line and send your donation to Holy Wisdom ICC, P.O. Box 14273, Tumwater, WA 98511.