We are an expression of divine love.
We acknowledge we are on the ancestral land of the Squaxin and Nisqually people.
We are people of various abilities, ethnicities, sexual orientations and gender identities.
We are questioning people.
We aspire to love and serve others and believe our well-being is connected with the well being of all. We gather to give thanks and to nourish each other with love, joy, and friendship; and to become the body of Christ for this world.
We value unity over uniformity.
We thirst for justice and we long for peace.
All are welcome, all are included, all are beloved in our Holy Wisdom Community.
MISSION STATEMENT: We are Holy Wisdom Inclusive Catholic Community. We Joyfully embrace and live the gospel message of Jesus with deeply rooted love.
GOVERNANCE: In addition to weekly masses, members of the community participate in decision making at community meetings where they share information, discuss issues and develop ideas. People new to Holy Wisdom are always welcome to join these gatherings and participate fully in the life of the community.